Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Life and Love - Dog Style

When you are a dog, life must be so much easier. At least a dog that lives with a family that loves them as much as we love Cinnamon.
These dogs – they really do live the high life. Money is never an issue. Cinnamon, you don’t slave your life away at a job that many times seems meaningless. You spend your days lounging in a nice cozy house just waiting for the moment that Mike and I come home. We see you peaking out the windows…watching for the car to pull up (possibly trotting over to your bed and getting snuggled so we think you have been sleeping all day).
You eat when you want, sleep when you want, play when you want, burp when you want (ok, so you can’t always pee when you want, but who likes doing that anyway).
And the best part is people are always there to take care of you. Someone’s always there to pet you and brush your hair. People always smile when they see you…like there can never be bad news when you are involved. If you make a mess (always on accident of course), they get it. It was an accident. A mistake. And they love you anyway.
They always love you.
We always love you Cinnamon. And we know that you love us back.
I see it in your smiles each day; I see it when you role on the floor and play ball with me; I see it when you snuggle up with Mike for a little nap. You love us so much sometimes it shakes your entire body!! And that makes me smile even as I am writing this.
That must be the best part about being a dog….loving others with your entire self – that is what you were made for. It is your job as a dog to love and you do it the best my doggy.
You do it so good that I think that is what you were created for. Yup. You were made to be a furry, bouncy, barky, cuddly, prancey, slobbery mass of love!!
It is a noble task to have love as a profession. A task that really isn’t suited for us humans. We put too many rules and regulations on our affection; monitoring, guarding, and over thinking everything. We are too scared to let go. Oh to love like my dog – love so freely and opening. Loving each and every person that walks through the door.
Cinnamon, you teach me every day what it means to love more freely and purely. Thank you for that. My constant, wonderful, beautiful, favorite dog! Mike and I love you – but even more then that I think we love how you love us!!

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